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Atkins diet pros and cons diverticulitis - atkins fare athletes and arguments inflammation

20-12-2016 à 01:13:30
Atkins diet pros and cons diverticulitis
The genetic team suspects my family has HNPCC. The moral of this story is. In the meantime, I was getting the fluid right back in no time and finally, the group of physicians diagnosed that I had ovarian cancer. She is a graduate of VSU with a Masters in Sociology. I had 3 more chemo treatment, including the study of chemo directly in the abdomen. We are very close and this is devastating. At years end I decided 2005 was going to be my year without drama. At this point she had a new set of docs and the general surgeon invited a GYN oncologist into the operating room. First of all let me tell you about myself then my story. Three more hours passed as we awaited news from the general surgeons who would be preforming the colostophy surgery and the internal flushing of the fluid. When I was nine years old I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Will not have to have a general anesthetic, but will be put out for a while. He said that he hated to inform us that the cancer was literally everywhere. After some more testing, I discovered just how lucky I was. 9 they say. Two years ago, I had a cold and coughed quite hard and pain went through my body like a knife. When I went to the ER they hospitalized me and told me that I had Salpingitis. Come to find out my mri said I had an L-5 herniated disk but I did not do anything that could have hurt my back. I prayed to God for his guidance, support and to help me make the right decision. As he cleared his throat, he asked me if I was aware that I had a large cyst in my left ovary. Someone asked to hear from long term survivors. My A125 was at 350 at that point and my family doctor mentioned in passing that id it were in the high thousands they would think overian cancer but not to worry at this level. Has anyone else used radiation therapy with Doxil. I started eliminating certain foods from my diet to see if it would help. Fluid came back. I am a grandmother raising 3 granddaughters, I ran a day-care home and I knew that I had 4-7 hernias in my stomach. She was grabbing things with her fingers, almost like she was sewing. One day I got a call from the office that my pap smear showed pre-cancer cells. On my 30th birthday she had been on one of her diets and lost almost 60lbs. May God bless you and give you the strength you need on this journey. This time again chemotherapy was given for six times which again brought down the AFP level below 200. It did not but I was afraid they would tell me I had some bowel movement problem or worst, gas. We wonder if we would have researched this disease when she was initially diagnosed and possibly challenged her doctors if life would somehow be different now. Today I am a 25 years old, mother of two boys and everyday I think about what would happen to them if I became ill. After starting it, she only got sicker and it seemed that the chemo was only contributing to that instead of making her better. Spend as much time with your parents, because you never know what will happen in life. I would love to hear from anyone who has used Tamoxifen or has been advised to use it. Wondering why on earth I agreed to stop taking bc pills - the problems began nearly a month after I stopped taking them (to see if I really was premenopausal). She insisted I meet with an oncologist as soon as possible and have them out. Of course she and my father were devastated. I did 3 months of treatment, 3 months of home school, and 3 months of missing anything going on at school. e. I am still suffering from effects of the chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet, acute tiredness, memory problem, my skin keeps breaking out and I have tinnitus. The doctor came back in and told me I had ovarian cancer. Before we could begin first round of chemo, Mom started throwing up blood and blood came out of her urine and stool (she had to be admitted to intensive care). I may have to get a hearing aid, which depressed me considerably last fall. About a year ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Well by that time I had MRSA of the wound that had opened and was draining. She started another round of chemo in Sep 2007 with doxil. This Hospice is on the Long Island Sound. The Lord used the people of God to provide round the clock care for Elder Marshall. She had told me she lost 20 lbs and was tiny to begin with. In a low carb diet that is under 50 grams a day (i. He went back to the ER and they gave him another diagnosis and sent him home again with another medication to take. My Loving Family and Friends My name is Suzanne, single, no children. On my 28th birthday, I found out I was pregnant with my third child. Sometimes with a huge sigh of relief and humour. I am approaching my two year anniversary of my dianosis this week. After that hospitalization it was rounds of chemo, surgery, and rounds of chemo. Is there anyone out there who has now or in the past had this very rare type of borderline tumour and more importantly how they have coped and what their treatment and prognosis is - thanks x. This and other factors delayed my treatment so that I am just starting on my first chemo drug Doxil Feb. I got an appointment with the local oncology clinic within a week. I can remember crying and praying on the way that God would let me have this baby. The EMT team came took me to the hospital. After my two successful pregnancies, the periods would still be painful and heavy. Nothing really but I still want you to see an Oncologist. I Am. Her lapel usually was accented with a teal colored ribbon. Also most of the veggies we ate were tubers and not a lot, only what we could find. ( Read more ). tell me anything except at your convenience for seeing a dr. But the decease re-appeared again and this time with metastasis stage. She struggled to get examined by her neurologist who finally changed her meds over the phone. Three days later I was back in surgery this time they had to remove part of my colon and put a colostomy bag on, my whole abdomen area had tumors all over liver too. I underwent surgery and found that my cancer was contained inside a cyst. I had my first treatment yesterday, Aug. May my mom rest in peace, I love her and miss her with all my heart. On 11-29-03 I lost my Mother to Ovarian Cancer. November 15, 2012: Saw dr. This cancer was not like the normal uterus cancer where. If someone uses 2-3 packets a day, I am sure the world will not end for them. I am 61 years old and I have Well-Differentiated, (which I have learned means it is a slow growing cancer at this point in time). Staring at the teal blue sea as the sunset starts to fall. The next 6 months were a blur of surgery, chemo, tears, laughter, not having to shave or buy hair products, and finding a newfound peace and acceptance with my life and the world around me. Please know that being diagnosed with ovarian cancer is not necessarily a death sentence. the gift of time, love, living in the moment and just enjoying a great healthy day. My last doctor told me I was not a candidate for surgery because I am overweight. And how could I have left out Wife and Aunt, no disrespect just in a hurry. My chances are very good because it was caught early. Debulking surgery was done 4 days later and there were two large tumors removed. Sorry, I am not buying your Stevia dissertation. She had a natural beauty, the kind with no need for makeup and just jeans and t-shirts. I was proned to passing out and three times woke up and found myself slumped on the floor. Since remission, my hair has grown back (curly all of the sudden). You had two volleyball-sized low malignant tumors removed. After her stomach had swollen to the size of a woman who could have easily been eight months pregnant she went to a local family doctor. Since I first posted my story in Jan 2008 I have been confirmed with HNPCC. Further, because a little goes a long way, it is less expensive than many other sweeteners. I have had regular checkups with CT scan each year, CA125 tests every three months, and chest x-rays every 6 months. We were all elated and I was put on a schedule of seeing one doctor, then I would see the other doctor, then I would skip a month, etc. I recently had allergy testing IgA, E, G and honey came back high. I remember sitting in the waiting room during surgery thinking this is taking way too long. We were glad everything had indicated no sign of cancer. That same day, the pathology report was read to us, verifying the cancer. CANCER. Still today, less than 20% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed in early stages, primarily one of luck or happenstance. My mother was diagnosed with the same disease at exactly the same age. Pathology confirmed, it was a burst left ovary. My mom called her gynecologist and made an appointment for June 8, 2004 as this was the soonest they could her in, even though this was about a month and a half away. I had it since May 03 and my ob-gyn was not concerned about it. My beautiful angel was born by C-section at full term. a. Her abdomen began to build up with fluid so she went to her doctor and had some tests done. One year, a septated or complex cyst on my ovary showed up on the ultrasound. I never told anyone about my situation, just to my parents and husband. WOW, I could not believe what I was told. We talked about chemo and whether or not she could handle it. I was a sympathic person before all this and now I am much more compassionate, emphathetic and caring for people around me. Off we went to the local cancer center. I asked about any trials I could join so that my life might be of use if I died. It was going to be the year I paid my rent on time and made it to the doctors when scheduled. So even if your just eating a beef stirfry on its own even without rice, all the ingredients convert to sugar so eating a cupcake sweetened with stevia wont hurt, it is also highly nutritious just as much as honey so its not an empty food just because it doesnt affect blood sugar. My story begins like that of so many other women I have met with ovarian cancer. As a family, we enjoyed many walking trips, but one will always remain in my mind. I prayed to God and the Lady of Lourdes for my recovery. He told me my ovaries was fully covered with cancer. Through it all my mother has a positive outlook on life and rarely spent days in bed. I thought she would beat it and everything would go back to normal. My surgery was July 19, 1999 and chemo ran Aug. I tell her that she is giving me a gift by being so upbeat, positive and by setting an example of hope and acceptance. Every type of test was scheduled to determine what had caused this low blood level. Since she was diagnosed with MS the year before, she thought she was having a flare-up and maybe needed her MS medication changed. They diagnosed me with appendicitis and sent me to the emergency room. I had to have a blood transfusion because my hemoglobin was at 7. We just found out that her CA125 has risen again, which has always been a red flag for us. Then got in to see surgeon on Friday, surgeon asked why I was there, I advised ER told me to get surgeon I knew them so called. To insinuate that all we need to do is put them on a low oxalate diet is insane. She died in March 1996 just before i graduated from high school. She sent me to have a virtual colonoscopy, and when the results came back it said I was OK, on reading the results I felt there was something wrong as they mentioned a tubal ligation and I had never had one. Raw honey (or pure maple syrup or sucanut or coconut sugar) tastes exorbitantly better. Lea Ann was referred to an oncologist at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. I have destressed my life as much as possible, I stop to smell the roses. I had regular pap smears and pelvic examinations twice a year beginning in 1987 until 2000 with no irregular results. Still thinking, they had caught it early enough left me with lots of hope for a recovery. Thank goodness I had donated my organs for study. I had emergency surgery the next morning to remove what turned out to be a 15 pound ovarian tumor from my abdomen. Pathology a bit scary. Patti was a joy to be around, if she was with you, your day would be filled with pure excitement, never knowing what lies ahead. I had two weeks to go but the chemo was still to strong. She loves her profession, because she loves working with and helping others. Hiking. My mom is 69 years old and have been complaining about her stomach was getting bigger, she also complained of bleeding after menopause which I know would be a serious problem. The bees are dying off from Roundup, and they carry contamination back to the hive. My brother said she did not even know who he was- she was so out of it on drugs etc. Yes that word stress that can either make you tired or just overworked and I fell in that category. I did 8 rounds of Carboplatin and Taxol, then 12 rounds of Taxol as maintenance. The beautiful part that was my mother was released. It was stage IIIa mixed papillary serous and clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium. On Oct 3, 2006, I had to have hernia surgery, and while they were fixing that, Dr Pippitt took samples and sent them off to see if there was any cancer. In Feb of 2012 had hernia repair screws and mesh from above grin to rib cage. She was referred to Johnston Willis Hospital where test results showed OVCA. My tumor was the size of a baseball, and my CA 125 was 19,000. It is something she lives with and some days she hates it, but she is finding something wonderful every single day. Any suggestions or questions, please email me and enjoy life. I thought she would give up. Growing up, I just expected her to always be there. My ovary was cancer and so was the pelvic tissue. I opted for the IP delivery but could only tolerate two doses out of the six. I agree with you on using maple syrup, but only the good stuff not the stuff from the grocery stores. But the call came, that said I was diagnosed as a stage 3a due to spread of cells to my abdomen and that I needed chemo to begin right away, and would need to have another surgery when it is over. I would want to spend as much time as possible with my husband, son, and daughter. I am writing this on Thursday, Aug 4th, 3 days in from her first chemo session. So, four years later in January 2000 she went in for gallbladder surgery. I took things very slowly and went at my own pace. I sat there in the dark holding her hand and one of the patients in the room called me over. I am an Australian and live in Brisbane Queensland. A few months passed and she became very ill and was hospitalized for two weeks. He diagnosed an incompetent cervix and said he would have to perform a Shirodkar that day. My Doctor tells me there are many options for us. I am happy to report that she completed chemo in June and had surgery last week to reverse her colostomy and check for further cancer. Xylitol: Truvia is a popular sweetener made with stevia and xylitol. Because Karan was young (52) and in reasonably good health, he wanted to be aggressive. is not familar with it, which many are not. She had tried alternative treatment and still does. If anyone has had similiar stories I really want to hear about them. The doctor stated that her uterus wall had fallen and he need to pull it up. We planned a trip to Yosemite National Park and we all went as a family, there she received a call from one of her physicians. When my right side started hurting he checked my appendix. That may be a few weeks or months shorter than if you were to strictly follow a regimen of misery your WHOLE life. It was horrible for us to see her in this horrible state. My neighbors son was gunned down at the age of 25. My wife Anita initially diagnosed a case of ovarian cyst and further investigation clarified it ovarian tumor in Sep 2005. We were elated when the doctor gave us the great news that she was going to be fine. My stomach started to bloat really bad after the fall. Mentally, I am ready for whatever the call turns out to be. It was less than a year and it had come back. The nurse said I could have a urinary tract infection. All 3 food sources are important in their own way. He said to me, that if I was his wife and we already had two children, that he would want me to have the surgery. Ultrasound showed no sign of tumor 3 weeks after chemo. In my heart I knew that God was right by my side. I noticed spotting in August 2005 and since I was post menopausal I decided to get checked out. I was her favorite grandchild and she loved me very very much. The five stimuli were administered in counterbalanced order, each on a separate day. My GYN Onc told me I am CURED vs. Subsequently had a further operation to remove the serous and clear cell 2 cm cancer and omentum. Relief so had lobe removed chest tube was awful, had it in for a month. No particular reason, just felt it was time to go back to raw honey in my green tea. He comforted her and told her to go with them if they wanted her to go. Once again, you bring to light many important issues regarding gut health. way off the charts. However, this bold lady faced all the troubles with great courage and bravery. I also had a CA125 drawn today after I got home and called my GYN office. At that point, after loosing all confidence with his abilities as her primary, I like a protective mother I kicked into overdrive. I know this sounds corny but I looked up at the beautiful sky and in my minds eye saw her-young, beautiful, happy and pain-free in the sky outside her window. She also has to do physical therapy while she is in the hospital. It showed 3 cysts, 2 lime size cysts on right side and a lemon size cyst on the left. I also recommend an ultrasound procedure where you drink 32 oz. In March 2006, after months of severe fatigue, I developed flu like symptoms and a wheezing in my lungs. She was put on tpn for nutritional supplementation. On ringing the Gynecologist I was told the tumor was malignant and to come in and see him a few days later. It was horrible, the whole time I had no idea if I was dying or what. This is the first time I have visited a cancer site on line. So if you put raw honey in your tea, add some raw cream or something like that. In December 2009 I had my second PET scan. Every daughter takes great comfort in knowing you are there for her no matter what and that is HUGE to girls of all ages- believe me. I recently had a CAT scan to determine if I am in remission or not. When we walked in I remember just wanting to crawl into the bed next to her and hold her like she had done so many times for me when I was sick. At that Imelda they made incision on neck to check lymph nodes for cancer, all clear before surgery. Who are the people who get the blood sugar spikes. My mother is determined to fight for her life and is currenlty exploring alternative medications. I was referred to the parapet clinic and got an appointment the following week. Trying to build up your immune system naturally. I have been cancer free for 16 months now, have my hair back, still working and have wonderful children, family and friends surrounding me. Take your mid century knowledge and utter stupidity elsewhere. I threw out a couple of cups of tea as I tried to wean myself onto it but I finally gave up and never bought it again. She went into remission once again for a year, only to find, after many routine tests that it had spread to her lungs, liver, and pancreas. I have never be so proud of her for her will to live. Would you please share your recipe for homemade toothpaste. I have used plenty of stevia and my cycles stay regular. After that week, life went back to normal. They did all the debalking, removed the omentum, appendix, removed lymph nodes and took several biopsies. She began to talk to herself. It was decided I was to have a laparotomy to see what of my reproductive organs can be saved. I told them I was very scared and they sent me to have one drawn right away. On Oct 17, 2006, I was declared cancer free. I realize now that all my dreams were always in your hands. He was sending for my old records from my surgery in Jan 1994, that took forever. We stay in touch weekly and are both very thankful. My GYN examined me and decided to send me for an ultrasound where a large tumor was discovered on my right ovary. and 3), and nephew (2). If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions or if I can be of some help, please email me and let me know. Laugh. First six cycles of chemotherapy shown a lot of improvement. Thankfully, more and more M. She never did walk again or speak clear or even completely focus her eyes. I told my gyn about my fear and he said not to worry, there was no proven link to fertility drugs and ovca. I also gave up coffee, oats, sweet potato carrots and beets for the same purpose. I wondered how I would tell my 3 daughters and my mum. One is my 5-year-old daughter, the other is my 48-year-old husband. Many of the residents family members have treated my mom as if she was their own loved one. What I found on the internet is a host of experts and those that claim they are experts. I think I almost see the gleaming strand. 625mg and also use the Premarin vaginal creme. I think you just have to keep going and hope for the best. He then acted quite fast, a referral went to the gynaecologist at our local hospital and another referral to the radiology department asking for a CT scan. I am praying to God to help me to cure me from this dreadful disease. My mother has been battling cancer since 2007. By the 21st of July I had 6 OBGYN appointments, 4 MRIs, cat scans hundreds of needles stuck in me and CAT scans. This has been so shocking and hard to understand. Im on week 7 now and plan on doing it for 3 months. 100% orange juice is very good for you but will send your blood sugar into orbit. Despite knowing the fact of her end, she always motivated the inmates while in hospital. Also, the first three times I ended up back in the hospital because my digestive system stopped completely. She ate a good plate full of food on July 1st at a picnic. She continued with her work in the garden and feeding her precious birds. While those surrounding her were crying she would firmly tell us that everything would be okay. forever. then just as cancer was out of our minds it had returned in 2005. Trust between ovarian cancer Women and Caregivers is: Hope with More. He was very confident he got all visible signs of cancer. I am planning on at least another 17 years. Those who got past that have been know to live into their sixties or longer, the only reason you think that is because the numbers given to us by the anthropology people includes deaths from children and from those who died from attack or illness. I believe we will be doing some type of pill. Far fewer complications this way but more nausea and I hated that. In particular, one specific steviol glycoside, called stevioside, has been shown to have potent contraceptive properties in female rats, implying that stevia may have an impact on estrogen, progesterone or both. Chemotherapy would not improve the odds of reoccurrence. CT showed two large bilateral masses on each ovary. Without a word to anyone, I left work and went to the hospital. I am happy to say I have been cautious when using this sweetener and have not used it as often as honey, maple syrup and other natural sweeteners. I had the fluid removed so I could breathe. By night time and time to go to bed it hurt so bad that I had to sleep with a pillow on my knee and sleep sitting up, the pressure from sleeping like that felt so good. I was ecstatic to read the story of a 6 year survival story. I had a friend take photos of me having my head shaved and trying on different wigs. I bet you think chemo and radiation cure cancer, too. I can remember curling up in the fetal position, not feeling well and having a lot of pain. Her color got very dark reddish-grey and then the color left her face at the same moment she let go of my hand. You are not a doctor, your body can and will use ketones, same goes with your brains. I had my stomach tapped the week after I got home. Will get the results on the 15th when I am scheduled for another treatment. We planned big dinners every weekend, had a huge picnic over Labor Day weekend and had company in all the time. I would like to thank you for reading and say God bless to you and your family if you or a loved one is suffering. I have endometriosis and have undergone fertility treatments. Maybe you should look farther than antho 101 or the blurb you got in history. She had one round of carbo and we will return April 23 for more treatments. She lived she said she just wanted to see me go to school and. Kelly was just giving her opinion just like you always do. I have just begun the genetic counseling process. In hindsight, she had most of the symptoms of ovarian cancer for several months. What I have read as far as our ancestors eating this way, is that back when we were hunters and gatherers, we feasted mostly on one type of food at a time. decided on a break. Summer 2006, I experienced symptoms of gastrointestinal stuff throughout the summer. Will be taking CAT Scan after two more sessions. I could deal with having chemo, being alone, being bald. However I really seem to be having a hard time now dealing with things. I had sharp pains in abdomen, to describe now felt like small fireworks exploding in stomach, not real painful but bothersome. I guess they want you to be 30 and below. The cancer had spread to her bowel and other areas. It is a solid mass, about the size of a ping pong ball. Then on June 27, 2001 it all came tumbling down. They gave him antibiotics and sent him home. Wow, Every thing you put in your mouth can be turned into energy. Mercola. The medical examiner denied her and said natural causes. On June 12, 2006 at 10:10 p. Hmmmmm. We cannot thank God enough for ALL those who have prayed, supported, encouraged, and embraced my family in this last year. However, honey is a medicine and daily use in their diet will diminish its benefits. I just want a proper test and diagnosis, treatment would be nice also. This doctor was immediately alarmed and sent her to see a GYN specialist who immediately scheduled a battery of tests and scans. Elder Marshall leaves a rich legacy for her children and grandchildren. The chemo that she was on for the first year her body started rejecting it. Track season ended and soon I felt myself gaining weight- I thought, since my activity level had decreased. I was prescribed pain killers and Lactulose solution. It was just one month short of my parents 40th wedding anniversary and instead of making plans for their party, our family started preparing ourselves for intensive chemo treatments my mother would receive. If you have stage IV liver cancer it is horrible and takes you fast. The blood test came back quite raised (even tho I got told it was slightly raised - whateva) and he could see something untoward going on in the cyst and also other affected areas. Lymph node removed, 6 weeks radiation and weekly carbo. In June 2007 during my routine six month check-up I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and had a subsequent complete hysterectomy. I finally had her get another Nurse and I gave them a piece of my mind. When I was 8 years old, my biggest fear was losing my mom. They are going to give her 6 chemo treatments first (one every three weeks), then check the tumor(s) and then if necessary debulk or resume 6 more treatments. and a long recovery) and 6 mainline carbo-taxol treatments. Went camping in June. I went for gastric by pass surgery in Jan of 06. I asked what does that really mean and they say it just means there was a lot of activity. This would also include not affecting cortisol and adrenaline. Me, my father, and my two brothers are behind her all the way. the cancer had spread to her lungs. The doctor performed surgery to remove both tumors and he could only remove the one on her pelvis, he could not get to the one on her liver. Ovarian Cancer, and there is a button you can press on that page to send the. In March 2003, I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. For those of you reading this, please do not ever give up hope. I was told I would need chemo and would lose my hair. My mom did go to regular checkups with all kinds of doctors except she had not gone for a gynecologist visit since 1977. I was 10 years old when I first started menstruating. Debulking was a good option and if so install a port in her abdomen for intra-peritoneal application of chemo. I thought the infusion nurses were nice in Bismarck, they hold nothing on these nurses. On returning for the ct results she was told she had a mass about the size of a grapefruit on her left ovary. I went in for a total abdominal hysterectomy with bil. During this time I have been involved in raising funds for OVCA through establishing a run, a motorcycle drive. The following morning the Hospice nurse arrived and told us they had a bed for her. salpingoopherectoy if my ovaries looked bad. Yes I did go to the doctor with these symptoms a year prior to diagnosis and was given tube of hormone cream for a dry vagina. I have talked to many women who have lived years with Ovarian Cancer and they tell me to never give up hope. When I turned 50, I finally got up the nerve to go to the gastroenterologist. When I saw my cancer doctor he said I needed surgery but if he did it then he would not even give me a 50% chance. For the next two years, Brittany was a diligent patient, visiting her doctors every three months for check ups and regular CA-125 tests. So I cleaned her up and gave her pain meds. I went to the doctor on multiple occasions due to bloating and pain in my abdomen. Doctors here locally have told her to give up but she continues to strive on and prove them all wrong. I hope someday they can cure liver cancer. The next day, just a half hour into surgery, I got a call from the OR nurse saying the laproscopic look revealed that continuing with surgery was a solid choice. My anger at his lack of help once the shoe dropped still leaves me speechless at times. Due to all of the extra fluid on her abdomen and chest caused by the massive tumors, the decision was made to do emergency surgery to remove to two large masses attached to her intestines. I screamed. She will now start another six rounds of chemotherapy, hopefully to shrink the tumor on her liver. My name is Erika and I am sixteen and was diagnosed with stage III ovarian cancer in January of 2007. ( Source ). The extraction of fluid was done again in a few days and another gallon of fluid was extracted and checked for content of cancer cells but none were detected. I was living a typical 16 year olds life, when my mother broke the news that she had Ovarian Cancer, I along with my sisters and step dad were shocked and as you can imagine devastated. There could be three causes for this they said. It matastisized to 12 places in her abdomen. The doctor then had the water tested, which showed positive for OVCA. I started keeping notes of my irregular bleeding and presented them to my Gyn during a routine office visit. Y: Friendship therapy is something that has not been explored by the medical community, but it is important for cancer survivors. She transferred the administration of the Chemo closer to home. I asked her then if she thought it was cancer and she said it was. I have lots to live for, a very beautiful daughter, however old she gets, who needs me and a very sweet eight year old granddaughter who I so very much would like nothing more than to be at her high school graduation, wedding and around for the first great grandchild. This is great with a little GAPS veggie soup on the side. In reference to the carbohydrate metabolism, here some publications where you can add information to your knowledge. Only in hard times would we have chosen fruits, vegetable and the nuts we could find, as my boyfriend points out, he can easily see and find more animal that foods fit for human consumption. I have an appointment with my OBGYN this week to discuss problems that I am having. I continued with this pain in my side for another eight weeks or so living on Tylenol and motrin. Within four days I was in the hospital for the grand old surgery. Another nurse appeared and told me to drink this fluid for the test. All her motor skills were shot even swallowing. A port was inserted in her chest to administer the chemotherapy through and little did we know, it had become infected. And it totally satisfies my sugar cravings without an issue. There was no reason for the doctor to assume it was anything else. All in all I am very happy with the results but I also know that they can change at anytime and I will have to continue to be monitored for the rest of my life, however long that my be. It was a 4-hour surgery but I came through it even though I had to have 7 pints of blood before and after surgery. I eat fruit and vegetables especially those recommended by the cancer council. For some reason my body seemed to respond to it really well last year. Man, if this is what is causing my issues this is great news. By the way, this becomes a huge subject when we start to analyze how anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications affect health and longevity. Just make sure that you get a doctor who communicates well with you and make sure you understand what you are facing. The colostomy reversal also went fine and for the first time in nine months she feels great and has no scheduled surgeries or treatments in the near future. I got chemo again 21 days after the first time. The cancer is on the lining of her stomach and spots on her liver. Our priest came down and we prayed with her at her bed. just more of an ache. At first she responded well to treatments but remission did not last long. She was told she had ulcer, IBS or gall stones. This time it was the same saying I was OK, she has had enough and trusting me sent me to had an abdominal scan. I then had to start the chemo all over again. I said I had one for that Wednesday with someone other than my regular Gyn. Well, I woke up from surgery to hear the news - it was cancer in all 3 masses. that was some scary already. Then one day I went back to my GP with a different complaint, my right breast was red and inflamed and within a week it had doubled in size. Every once in a while she would sleep for a whole day, day and a half. My son is in prison and my daughter is married and has a life of her own. Most normal people can not handle more than a few grams of sugar at one time. Thanx for giving me the hotbox and toxic medicine I needed. The awareness movement that has brought so much information and knowledge to the world about breast cancer now needs to be brought to bear to share with the world about OVCA. I lost my mother to liver cancer 5 years ago. She went to the hospital and they took a gallon of fluid from her. Boils from one hole to to other down there to the extent of a doctor drawing a picture of it. The sweetness does not work against the body IF the sweetness accompanies carbohydrates, because we are wired to get ready for incoming glucose when we taste sweet. Also I am wondering about detox diets ie, kale and other veggie smoothies. This was performed along with the implantation of a port. My oncologist told me yesterday that the only thing they advise survivors to take is calcium with Vitamin D. New York University was not a good experience for us. Saturday, I sent him back with specific instructions to ask the pharmacist what was the strongest over the counter medicine for heartburn. I did that and they thought it was a cyst on my ovaiary or diviticulitis. And how was i gonna be able to take care of them sick. I repeat that even though my cancer is Uterine it is like Ovarian in nature and treated like Ovarian. Surgery is not an option because of the Paxel and aspirin she is taking for the stint in her heart. After returning from Florida at the end of April, I went to my pcp for a laxative since I had returned bloated and constipated. Stevia was once thought to be high oxalate but it was re-tested by the LOD group and was found to be low oxalate. The nurse said I could have a urinary tract infection. All seemed to go good the first round of chemo. The intensity of the pain, and a massive lump on the left side of my abdomen. Like me, you may find someone who is okay not having children or you can always adopt. I read everyday women dying from this cancer. I too have the Polycystic Kidneys, and some symptoms are similar, makes it tougher. An oncologist was called and he told me that my cancer was ovarian stage 4 and that most women diagnosed have about 6 months to live. I saw my doctor over aperopd on months and finally he suggested I get a c-scan. There is residual fall-out from the hysterectomy, unfortunately. I choose that one with dextrose and please, email me if this testimony is good for diabetics or not. I went to the local er and at the time, I had private insurance and was treated great. My friends had made a joke and would ask me when I was expecting and as funny as it was I knew deep inside something was not right. When you think of Patti, words and phrases like, Loyal, Honest, Faithful, Laughter, Joyous, Hard Worker, Strong, Intelligent and Worldly come to mind. At that time what I was told that it a low malignant ovarian cancer, it was considered to be a new cell type and with surgery I was cured. It was one of those silly but oh so real childhood fears. Realizing I was at risk for ovarian cancer with the first two factors, I had always been pro-active with yearly ultrasounds and watching for little signs. He thought the odor might be coming from my stomach. He worked this summer fighting wild fires, out 2 weeks at a time when he made this observation. During my high school years I have also been the editor of the school paper. I choose that one with dextrose and please, email me if this testimony is good for diabetics or not. Pap and mammogram were good along wth the usual tests. I have never had a dr. All all-points prayer ALERT was sent out throughout our community. My husband managed to get me a cup of tea from the office manager. 02 and the last cycle was completed on Feb. My mum was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2000. She had lupus and had a back surgery previously and always had pain in her lower back. At that time, I started having problems with my period, fatigue, bloating etc. 1998 I had a normal period. It has been a few years, but it still is hard to live without her. I went to pray that night at a prayer service at church. In desperation I changed doctors and was immediately sent to a consultant and within four weeks had an operation to remove the much enlarged uterus, my ovaries, and a tumor. I want to know what I can do as soon as I can. In November of 2009 my Ca 125 gradually started rising. By the grace of God, my Mom is blessed with 2 awesome sisters. I had a very large tumor on right ovary and small tumor on left ovary. Facing the facts is so much better than living with fear of the unknown. Unfortunately, they could not figure out the problem and was later sent to another hospital which gave us the bad news that the cancer was already spreading and was in her colon and stomach. Since I was done having all the children I was going to have I opted for a full hysterectomy (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix of course). We had come to the conclusion that we would avoid telling her the full details in hopes that if we only highlighted the positive she would keep in high spirits and fight this battle harder. And frequently getting watery eyes and runny noses after using it. The original cancer had metastasized over the last two years. it was firm. On Nov 23rd I had my second treatment of Doxil. S: In order to be taken seriously, we (patients) need to understand everything about ovarian cancer. My mind is blown, yet everything about that makes sense. Each day is a gift, a true gift from God. We had to wait for the results from pathology and my mom was out of the hospital by Saturday, June 19, 2004, leaving the hospital with a soccer ball signed by all of her visitors and a large vertical incision from a few inches above her bellybutton down to her pubic bone. I started noticing my belly getting rather large, and a full-bloated feeling. My advise to all women is to listen to your body. I then had 6 weeks of radiation treatment and CA 125 went down to 14. She was stage IV cancer and it has spread to her liver. Try using Google Scholar for your nutrition searches. I would like to see the references where all the information are supported. I did not have any insurance at the time. By this point I had been referred to an oncologist. Patti had a smile and laugh that was so contagious that I could hear the Angels laughing right now from Heaven. She does palpate a mass on the right side. He felt a mass in my right lower quadrant and sent me for a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound, thinking it was probably nothing. The doctor came in and told me I had stage IIIA ovarian cancer. Her doctor recommend that she be put in the hopital so he can run test to find out what was going on. After two rounds her numbers where steadily rising. I have only seen gradual improvements to the above conditions after I reintroduced fruit sugars (dried fruits and coconut sugar and carbs. I send my good thoughts and vibes to all out there who are fighting this fight. On her death certificate it said respiratory aspiration. To this day I am amazed that I kept doing my job for three hours, without falling apart. there is just too much money to give it up. I took her to my doctor where they did an ultrasound and discover her uterus was 9mm in size which is twice the size of a normal uterus. Within minutes of her death, a heavy snow (her favorite) began to fall, covering the earth in a silent white blanket. Then one day something bad happened to me. Question your doctors, get screened for ovarian cancer, CA125 blood test, transvaginal ultrasounds, exploratory surgery. Helping Others Patiently Endure, a Christian Cancer Support Group 49 Walnut Blvd. In May 2002 I weigh about 130 lbs, a size 12 going on 14. Also, I am still active with my middle school Student government, coached cheerleading at a local ballpark, and my old middle school swim team. I am patiently waiting to hear from them. I was ok for 8 months and my CA125 went up. So, my heart goes out to any of you, especially the very young, who have lost your mother. She only got the chance to receive the stint and removal of the tube and one more round of chemo before they found her in our hometown that she had a staph infection from improper cleaning of the port before administration of meds in the local ER. She thought it might have just been a stomach bug. The chemotherapy did not keep me from working. I started with stomach problems, reflux and built up acids. My Mom is heading home for 2 weeks, to be with her friends and Bernie for his 75th birthay. They were on the verge of losing their home of 30 years and their business of 40 years because of the bad economy. I went to the emergency room and after an ultrasound I was told to see my gyno. You think of a TRUE FRIEND foremost, then relative. Her doctors at this time were not very aggressive with treatment and basically told her to quit drinking alcohol and quit eating canned food. Brandi, you have some valid points in your comments, but then you also seem to have a lot of strong opinions, and a lot of them are not supported by scientific evidence. She was officially diagnosed with ovarian cancer 1 month before she passed ( which was september 2 2006)She was admitted to E. She called me her cheerleader. I called my husband at the hotel and he came right over. Also, who ever eats stevia alone or without carbohydrates so that the glucose issue is even really an issue. I took it on myself to go back and make inquiries. I would also like to send hope, faith and love to all the families out there struggling with this overwhelming disease. The doc felt where I showed him and immediately sent me for a CT scan. Women need to listen and speak up about our bodies. She was sweet and never became upset with me, no matter what. I had to go the next week to see a gynecologist. The doctors scheduled a procedure to help for the following week. So now, I am healing again and my energy is coming back. They made her an appoinment with an ob and a general surgeon to remove the mass. I had a complete hysterectomy and lost 54 lbs overnight. I was going crazy only eating fruits and veggies. The real result is: if you eat nothing but stevia, all the time, it might have fertility effects. A couple of months went by and it started acting up again. As soon as she answered the door I told her to call emergency I had to got to the hospital,and that there was blood in my urine. I believe God has something for me to do. Even my oncologist was shocked when the pathology came back (it was sent out to Johns Hopkins) as stage 3 micro papillary serous carcinoma. I have had my uterus removed in 2001, negative of any cancer. I was fortunately able to take a medical leave from work. My mother called me from her house which is very close to my place of work. Sweet taste: Effect on cephalic phase insulin release in men. She had cancer cells in the lining of her lungs which had spread from her abdomen, primarily her ovaries. The cancer is stage 4 and has metastasized throughout her abdomen and into her chest. My CA-125 was On May 20th I was sitting and I took an unnatural double breath. People around me were in more shock than I was so I was continually comforting them and trying to maintain some type of self control and yet go through my mourning period. She got very sick from the chemo and was given a 30% chance survival rate. I was told the tumor was cancerous but had not spread so no treatment was given. We have learned so much from them in just short amount of time and I am overly thrilled with their kindness and determination to cure cancer for everyone. holding hands with my husband as we both stand there in awe. My mom lost so much weight, and most of her strength, but not her faith and trust in Christ Jesus. June 14, 2012: Saw thoraci surgeon today and after he spoke to radiologist that did lung biopsy he decided to do his biopsy on the chest wall. In early August I went camping on the Outer Banks of NC. Well it was breast cancer I was looking for. She stopped talking that much and every once in a while could speak or answer questions. This should explain a lot to you about carbs and fat. I read her blog and do not see any scientific studies cited there. There is absolutely no need for hate and confrontation. demonstrated that steviol shows a dose-dependent positive response in forward mutation assay using Salmonella typhimurium TM677 in the presence of metabolic activation system (Aroclor induced rat liver S9 fraction). It is actually the leaves just dried out. We need more research done, better testing, earlier testing. My stomach had been the size of a pregnant woman in her 9th month all of April. This past year has been extremely difficult to say the least. The GB scan let to CXR, Thoracentesis, CT scan, ovarian cancer staging surgery, and chemo. The catalyst came when I took a girl to the emergency room at the local hospital and stayed there for hours. If someone has input into my current situation I would be glad to entertain suggestions. When you get cancer the Mayo clinic says NO sugar, none of any kind. She told me what she thought it sounded like, which was exactly what I thought, but of course she had to scrape and send samples for testing. I try to eat all those foods they say prevent cancer. I had added fish oil, gingko biloba, biotin, multivitamin, and other things to my repertoire and it was a chore every day to take them all. Noah Goldman is now practicing at Beth Isreal in Manhattan. I had a total hysterectomy and 6 months of treatment with carboplatin and I was diagnosed as cancer free. 5g per kg body weight,supplemented with broth (2-4g Na), and with potassium. Pet Scan showed one lymph node in groin was positive. weight loss, no appetite, and so much fear. Totally. I lived and worked as a teacher in the US for 8 years, had very good health insurance, but was never offered this test by my OBGYNE there, although he knew my history. My wife is 52 and has low back and pelvic pain for a month now with 3 visits to the ER, and 2 ultrasounds and 2 CT scans. I have been hearing more and more about abdominal hernias as a result of hysterectomies. Im ready now for you my lord to turn to the next page. Last year I had a bit of a fright when I developed a lump in my abdomen - it turned out to be an incisional hernia. Went to see her regular MD and suggested a CAT scan. Patients seek us out for our expertise and excellence. Even though this story is not your typical feel good story, I guess I am saying that it should be. My mother was diagnoised with level 3C ovarian cancer in December of 2006. I recommend all women to be screened for this devastating cancer. To find the loved ones waiting on the shore. She was on all different pain medications and vitamins. She had been to every other doctor for high blood pressure to cholesterol. What makes it so horrible is because it is silent, the symptoms whisper. He told me to call him back and let him know the next week what she wanted to do. She kept the best attitude throughout her fight with ovarian cancer. I go see my oncologist at the end of Dec 2009, hoping all is within normal range. Bad idea. Many people choose stevia over natural sweeteners like fruit and honey, but this is not a good choice. I go in and get the bloodwork done, pee in the cup and go sit back down. To help in the research for earlier detection, or even better a cure. She was sleeping for almost 3 days straight before she died. At that point he told us to get a colonoscopy since she was all ready prepped for surgery. I have lost 25 kg in weight and have felt really good for the last 3 years. I used to use raw honey, dates and coconut nectar but these are not allowed. They are wonderful funny, loving people who have all suffered too much loss from cancer. I was having regular endometrial biopsies and was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia. (Talk about uncomfortable. The only symptom she did not have was the bloating, possibly because she was on a no-salt diet with my dad. His appendix had ruptured and their was only the outside core of it left. My mother had not been to a doctor since I was born twenty-four years before this. Donate, advocate, and most importantly share what you know with woman in your life. When I had the test again a month later it was 13,000. This of all my challenges was the worst of all. I got up in the morning and made breakfast for my nieces (8 and 6), 2 sons (10 mos. I asked my brother to take me to the emergency room the day my parents had gone on vacation. I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in March of 2010, just 4 days short of my 50th birthday. By the way, you should know that many people have to suffer because of the cutbacks on things. I am relatively young, have no known ovarian cancer in my family and have never used fertility drugs. Finally, I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired, my husband took me to the emergency room. I decided I was going to make the best of this situation. I found out I had a problem from the technicians and then confirmed it with the doctor. She left behind her parents, five sisters, nine nieces and three nephews. Camping we even went to disney world she was sick but living me my mom and my dad living together even though she was sick we made the best. The dr. She had another attack in January which forced her to go to the doctor. She came home on October 20, 2007 and amazingly we were able to take care of her. ) From the treatment she developed blood clots on her lungs. I was dx at age 34----what a shocker, I thought it was an old lady disease. My mom kept telling me, when I called her at work, that I was just constipated and that I needed to stop calling her. I also sought out other avenues of healing besides chemotherapy and think these have helped with my longevity. She was quite swollen and bloated looking and the amount of pain she was in was increasing greatly. November 9, 2012: I got a call from the nurse practitioner. Remember me, Sande, because one day my foundation will be out there to help assist with the studies of ovarian cancer. I had no idea what the doctor meant, he told me he had found a tumor and removed it and sent it for biopsy. I follow the WAPF diet as closely as I can and also follow Dr. I took care of her with the help of ocassional nurses, medical equipments and friends. No real change this time, so I asked the woman practioner to give me a pelvic exam. I waited in the room with my mother, grandmother and aunt. After 3 cycles of chemo, she was in remission. It COMPLETELY changed my mental state and enabled me to function through the ordeal. Before my cancer was diagnosed, I tried Effexor (an antidepressant that helps with hot flashes). She under went chemo again and did not have another reoccurance until the spring of 2006. Which by the way did help me feel better. To recap: I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 1C in August 2002 when I was 35 years old. I have cancer in my liver, spleen, next to my pancreas, and maybe pelvic bone. She was going to enjoy what was left of life. My tumor was a borderline cancer and required no additional treatment other than CA125 every 6 months to make sure nothing was recurring. This life is a journey that eventually ends for all of us. I needed him to understand that I was so very afraid of what I expected he was going to tell me. She state she had abdominal pain on both sides where her ovaries would be. A terrible battle with a terrible doctor. Within a week my fatigue was gone, and along with it the fear of the cancer coming back. First 12 cycles of chemotherapy were tolerated by her well and thereafter she suffered lot post chemotherapy problems like sever body pain, vomiting, fever, loose motion etc. I quit stevia because it completely messed up my menstraul cycle now I use honey which makes me feel a ton better. Nobody really knew what was wrong with me. The next day her Ob-Oncologist surgeon debulked her. Six months after my hysterectomy request, the pain got worse. They need me to stay strong and fight, fight, fight. high and high school the boys would all stare at her with awe. Carbs are only your fuel when you are burning sugar for energy. I spent the summer getting our new home furnished and when I started having pains in my abdomine in September I just assumed it was nerves left over. I took care of her with the help of ocassional nurses, medical equip and friends. Because she was in bed for four weeks with no movement whatsoever, she had to undergo physical therapy while in bed which was very painful as she was experiencing horrible muscle pain. Recovery has been good and I am being followed up closely. When I went back to work in October, I was still going through chemo. Following the surgery she had to wear a colostomy because of the damage caused to her colon. This silent killer is responsible for taking the lives of thousands of women every year. Again six cycles of chemotherapy were administered on her with radiotherapy for 21 days and the result was the same. Doctors are not taught nutrition anyhow so how is it that you feel the need to throw that in there. Glucose is cleared from the bloodstream and blood sugars drop, but no. She called the family doc and they had no openings but my dad had an appointment so I went in his spot. I was going to get an ultra sound done later that morning on the 10th. Each week my CA 125 dropped lower and lower and I began to feel hopeful that maybe I could go into remission. Then I knew there was a more serious problem when he sent me to a hospital in San Angelo, TX, where I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 ovca. About the present dangers of GMO corn, I go about gifting rapunzel organic corn starch to family and altar sisters (new folksong title: wean away wean away). At this point, I do not know what is going on. The dr. She went to her Dr. We talked about chemo and whether or not she could handle it. I would like to know things to expect and also someone to relate to. At first the consistency is a little runny but after a few days it stiffens up more. It was so hard being able to talk to her on Monday and by Thursday she was gone. I will be praying for all of you and your families. Special blessings upon those who sacrificed their time to sow in the life of this great woman of God, my mother aka V-butterfly. I cared and I was so scared, but the amount of pain I was in was over-riding those fears. Since she is 82 and this winter was brutal, the trip into NYC was more debilitating than the Chimo. 23rd). We do not look back at what we could have had, but what we are able to enjoy whenever God calls her home. I find much beauty around me, the sky, flowers, birds, and animals. They found a cyst on my left ovary, which concerned them because it was large. Surgery is not something to laugh at and there are risks. Frequently we would find her in the kitchen cooking. Throughout the fall of 2004, these symptoms continued to get worse and worse. We called and had all of her records sent to them. Now I have staples in lung, screws in abdomen. It was 11 cm cyst and my ovary was enlarged and my doctor was sure it was not cancer. And to those folks before me, I sympathized, their pain and emotion. I looked in the mirror and I was white as a sheet. It is horrendous that this is so common among women. On May 28, 2006, I graduated from high school. For time is all im asking for, just an extra day. 5 cm cyst embedded within my ovary that is complex. S: I have to say that I am not being very gracious here and at the same time not feeling that I should. My cancer was Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (left salpingo-oophorectomy), weighed 10lbs. 5 years if the chemo works. Honey especially raw is high in pollen, bacteria, antigens and fructose. On December 2, 2003 changed medicine to Doxil. He said that I would need to have surgery to have the tumour removed. He biopsied the one on my right ovary and sent it off to the pathologist. She never did walk again or speak clearly or even completely focus her eyes. Microscopic cancer cells were also found in two adhesions on her bowels and in the lining in her pelvic area. Anyone know of anything new out there for clear cell OVCA. This cancer is basically the same as Ovarian and it is treated the same way. Just mix baking soda into whatever amount of coconut oil you want until it gets to a kind of creamy texture. Even if it is, when I see my numbers going down so drastically, I think of how one day my life could possibly be normal, my life could possibly one day be cancer free. Leaving me with very little time and the time I did have I was too tired to go anywere. where tehy live and went to Dr Ellis and had the regular chemo via needle for 3 weeks. We will never understand why such a wonderful woman had to experience something so difficult and tragic, but we will hold our memories close and continue to speak out against such a horrible disease. After her first round of cisplatin, she was up and running, driving her new car, visiting the sick, attending 5 am prayer service, and using her time to minister to others, and enjoy the company of friends, fellowship with co-workers and attend Bible Study with me at my church. And it disturbs me greatly to hear it repeated so often. Anyway, my Pap test came back fine as did the mamogram. Even then the preference was for meat, our digestive system is more akin to a carnivores system than and omnivores. In contrast, significant increases in plasma insulin occurred after the modified sham-feed with both the 1 min and 3 min exposure. My mom could not believe her ears, she had a hysterectomy 30 years ago. I tell that I trust my health team and have faith in my God. In December 2009 I had my second PET scan. She was scheduled for surgery a few weeks later. Pippitt, was sent by God, because I was scared that day when he came in my room. Someone who was always there for you through thick and thin. At the time of her diagnosis, I had NEVER heard of Ovarian Cancer. They were both necessary to repair the hernia and clear the bowel obstruction. I live in a small town and chose to go to a University Med Center for treatment. All our lives were on hold nothing seemed to matter except to be with her and comfort her to the best of our abilities. I like to believe that if people have hope and an outlet to release anxieties then people can gain strength. I know I feel those who have gone from here. Her CA-125 came back at 475, which the doctor said was consistent with a malignancy. My life is good and I have no symtoms at this time. the best mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend. My belly button and my pubic region where they cut hurt as well as the arm that my IV was in, but I was comfortable and I was warm. My husband and I live in Brady, TX, a small town with a population of 6000. Mama became a widow at the age of 39 when my father was killed in car crash. within six hours I was on the operating table. She lived for a few more hours in the hospital then passed away. If you notice anything similar after taking stevia, be sure that it is likely the culprit. The doctor then told me something that no pregnant mother would want to hear. The scar from the hysterectomy still remains, along with the port scar in my chest. I beg you father hear my prayers and answer one more time. So I went to my local GP who said that I was suffering from stress and wanted to put me on an antidepressants. The only choices were watch and wait or get a lapriscopy remove the blurry ovary and possibly a full hysterectomy. The next morning I got my stomach tapped. The surgery went well, the tumours had responded to the chemo, my ca125 was normal, another 2 rounds of chemo and things were improving for me. I realize not my chapter in life no one could ever take. I insisted maybe cancer, since my sister had vaginal cancer, and first cousin had vaginal cancer too. The chemicals used to date are Cisplatin, Carbo, Taxol and Doxal. Ca125 lowered to 20, began elevating Feb 2006. If I waited until my third baby was born to have the surgery, my husband may be taking care of 3 children on his own. They think that it because of my own fault when really I am allergic to the anaesthetic. I have found that I really enjoy my own company now that I am not experiencing any of the uncontrollable rage and anxiety I felt before my surgery. Good luck and God bless all of you now fighting this and any of you that will be learning you have this disease in the future. March 2009 My Dad helped me decide on more treatment. 03. So even though there is some initial weight loss, it comes at the cost of slowing metabolism and long-term health consequences. This chemo was too strong for her and her body was not able to handle it. for the next day and while in there had another asthma attack and had to have another breathing treatment. Tolerated chemo went pretty well, after the 3rd cycle, I was given Emend which was a wonder drug for the nausea and vomiting. Thanks ladies - and much luck to you all. We talked about chemo and whether or not she could handle it. I am a 31 year old african american woman. Biking. I went to my doctor and he ordered a CT scan. Happy because I lived the life I had, and I was at peace, because I knew Jesus and others were waiting for me. We should find heaven right round about us lies. Then one evening we were watching a funny TV show and she got a sharp pain in her shoulder. Everyone thought that was so weird, but it calmed me down tremendously. I retired at 60 in order to travel with my husband in our RV. I did not get in to get my haircut before hand so there are strands of hair that just kind of fall out and it drives me nuts, so I sit and run my fingers thru it and even more comes out, but not enough to make a difference. Recently I used the liquid form and it was too much. What are your thoughts on no sugar to help rid the body of parasites. Her actual passing was beautiful, special, and supernatural. Remember we are the fingers that bind together to form that fist that will begin to beat cancer. I owe it to the women who are much more worthy and much less lucky than I am. I was lucky they had an opening the very next day. June 5, 2013 329 Comments Affiliate Disclosure Why I Quit Stevia. She went back to the hospital about 2-3 weeks later for a follow-up and it turned out there were cancer cells on the outside of her right ovary. I had the last stanza embroidered into the inside of her casket and made home made thank you cards with that poem printed just inside. Also, metabolism is normal healthy adults is only decreased on low calorie diets that are not ketogenic. I went to my gyn at the time because I could feel something